I love Shabby Chic decor and I especially think it is
beautiful mixed with a little romance!
Depression Glass with you....
with images from a fabulous collage sheet from
Tags offer a cute way to accent any collection that
you might have...Just an idea!!
Happy Pink Saturday!! and wishing you a
happy weekend!!!
IT MEANS I LOST POWER-Thanks so much!
Linking this to Pink Saturday!!
I used to have several pieces of old depression glass but shared most of it with my brother's wife. It just reminds you of softer, gentler times, doesn't it? xoDiana
yes tags sure do that, love your glass and the song playing in the background is perfect!
Lovely glass collection, and the tags give it the right finishing touch! Valerie
I have a few pieces of depression glass. Nothing like yours. All these pieces are very pretty in pink.
Beautiful images from Dezinaworld. They look perfect in those pretty pink bowls.
Those pieces are GORGEOUS and loveeeeeeeeeee those vintage tags! :):):):):):):):):):)
I love Depression glass, especially pink, and I am not really a "pink" girl (probably because I overdosed on it as an adolescent!) I will be keeping you and your area in my prayers, hoping it is not much of anything. ((hugs)) xo
Happy Pink Saturday Cindy, Love the pretty pink dishes and all those lovely vintage images. Be safe. Hugs, Linda
Happy Pink Saturday to you, well tomorrow! Beautiful glass! Be safe!
Beautiful, Cindy! But, I can't believe this - I just got done posting my Pink Saturday post - about my Mom's pink depression glass - and I hadn't looked at your blog yet!! Honest!! LOL...this is so funny! I hope you don't lose power. Stay safe, my friend!
Beautiful, Cindy. I love pink depression glass. The little tags really create an wire of romance for them. You are so clever. I used to have a little square plate like yours. I haven't seen it in a long time. It must be somewhere around. I must look for it.
Oh my my my. I must start proof reading before posting. I meant to say aire, not wire. I see my computer changes it for me. This time I changed it back. Now after looking it up I guess it isn't even a word. Guess I should have said air.Oh well, I hope you know what I meant.
I love pink depression glass. I only have a couple of pieces but they are beautiful.
Hope all goes well in the storm. Hope you hang on to power. That can be a pain.
Hi Cindy! I hope you and yours stay safe in the storm. Big hugs to you all. Your depression glass collection is lovely...what a pretty shade of pink. :)
Cindy sweetie, just be safe & take good care. Love your pinkies, fabulous pieces ... this is my favorite color for DG. Sold all mine.
Prayers for you lifting, my friend.
Have a great holiday weekend.
Belas fotos nas louças rosadas...
Hope you stay safe and snug!
There is something very romantic about depression glass and your tags look great.
I love pink depression glass, I need to get some! I love this piece you've shared. Happy PS and see you soon Cindy. Have a great weekend. Hugs, FABBY
Happy Pink Saturday Cindy, I love all your Pink depression glass and tags. Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs Marilou
Hi Cindy,
I love the pink depression glass and the tag really wow's the piece.
Stay safe! I hope you don't get too much rain.
Your favicon looks terrific!!!
The tags give your depression glass that old antique look that is so charming
What a lovely collection of Depression Glass you have!!
Hope you're able to keep your power on during the storm. Love the new profile pic, by the way.
Tracy Screaming Sardine
Hi Cindy,
I love the depression glass. I have a pitcher that my momma passed on to me that is so pretty. I believe it belonged to her momma. I'll have to post it so you can see it.
We watch all the storms and ride them out "in spirit" only now...My husband is from Mobile, AL and I'm from "everywhere". {giggles} I traveled all my life until I moved to the Smokies a few years ago. Anyhow, friends and my husbands children and grands are in Mobile. I hope it only produces lots of rain and heads my direction to east Tennessee. It's become very dry here.
Poor Texas is burning up...they need some of the storm's rain so badly.
Stay safe...
Pink Sparkles,
Stephanie Suzanne ♥
Beautiful pieces and tags! Thank you so much for your nice comment today.
Hello Cindy,
Hope you survive the storm.
I love the pink depression and have a few pieces myself.
Let us know how you are my friend!!
I LOVE your depression glass!! I collect pink depression glass too!!
I pray that you will fare out well with the Hurricane heading your way....
I adore your pink Depression glass, Cindy! And the tags are such a sweet addition! Sure hope you don't lose power. Sending prayers your way!!
firstly hun stay safe and hope you keep your power that glass is just really beautiful hun,and the tags are just such a wonderful addition,have a safe and wonderful weekend hun,also bless your heart for your email hun meant so much to me,love hugs cherylxxxxx
You got the shabby pink and romance and I got the shabby to....?
Have missed you... been out of sync for awhile!
Enjoy your weekend!
wow such treasures ... love that soft pink .... soft and special .. hugz x
Hi Cindy,
Oh I just love your treasures. So perfect displayed with your tags too. It is a great idea.
Also Congrats on your spot in Romantic Homes. I just received my issue and saw your blog mention.
Be safe and secure during the storms my friend. Thoughts and prayers come your way.
Love ya, Celestina Marie
I love your depression glass pieces Cindy! Be careful with the storm approaching. Happy Pink Saturday.
Jocelyn @
I didn't know you collected depression glass too! I have a HUGE collection, and I just can't help myself, when I see it, I must own it!! Yours is gorgeous, and I always add tags to everything, so your tags are wonderful!!
I have a bit of seam binding, but I can't seem to find it anywhere!!
I'm thinking of you with this storm!
Beautiful, Cindy.
Hope you still have your power and hope you stayed safe. Thinking of ya.
Oh, and I activated the comments again at the diary. The page is ready now. Let me know what you think.
thanks as always for your beatuiful inspiration. please be safe in the storm. HPS, love and xo
You have a fine collection of depression glass here Cindy, it's so beautifully ornamented, don't you think? Love those different shapes! Have a great weekend dear, hugs, Ira
Those are such beautiful pieces of depression glass. Have a great weekend. Hugs, Kim
Hi Cindy!
I see that you are going to be in October R/H
I was in last October R/H congrats girl Can't wait for my copy!
Now I am having dumb troubles with my blog site. I lost my google blog translater and have been trying to load it, and for some reason some of my inspiring sites have disappeared off my side bar, yours is one of them.
Only I can delete so I am not sure how I lost them. So now later tonight I will have to go relaod my fav's UGH!!! I have been loading translater and it just won't show up at all so I will see later on what I can do after I get things done and time to relax an work at it :)
I am in a party mode for you:)
You so deserve all the rewards of your hard work :)
What a lovely collection... Pink is my favourite colour for depression glass. I hope your storm passes quickly and you don't have much damage from the storm. Take care!
Hello Cindy:
You KNOW I love pink depression glass. It's so delicate and sweet.
Thinking of you with this storm passing thru. In my thoughts and prayers.
Check in when you can!
Happy...Happy Pink Saturday..I pray that God will bless you all through out the coming week...
your pinks are so pretty...
God Bless You...
Happy Pink Saturday Cindy.
Your depression glass is beautiful. I LOVE THE PINK but for some reason I have collected the green. All of it is stunning.
Have a weekend full of beauty and grace.
Angel Hugs
Simply Debbie
It's me again.
Forgot the important part...I will be praying for you and your state and all the states that you will not lose power and no damage. Texas needs rain desparetly...they are burning up and so is parts of Oklahoma...the whole state is in a burn ban and have lost so many houses in okc due to fires...all my flowers are just burnt up.
prayers and hugs
Simply Debbie
Hi Sweet Cindy
How is all that stormy weather going on around you? I hope you are safe there and still have power.
Your pink Depression Glass is so beautiful - looks as if we both collect it. We should compare some photos one of these days. Your tags are just so pretty inside.
Thanks sweetie for posting about my Giveaway - wishing you lots of love and luck,
Suzy xox
Cindy, I love that depressions glassware,too- and have a few pieces- yours are all very beautiful-
Hi Cindy
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! I saw yours in Romantic Homes magazine and just had to come and check it out!! It is lovely and I have really been enjoying going through your old posts and look forward to all that are to come :) Congratulations for being featured in such a wonderful magazine!
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