Class 1
You have just entered a free online class for women by Cindy Adkins, author of “Blogging: It’s a ‘Woman’ Thing” and “Blog from the Heart: A Woman’s Guide to Blogging.”
While this class was designed for women, men are absolutely welcome too! While researching for my books, I came across a great deal of information, BUT it is not all in one place. So, I created this seminar to provide you with tips that you might not know about--and these can help you on your blogging adventure.
From this class, you will learn:
1. How to obtain your blog ranking
2. The importance of back-links
3. The importance of having a blog button
Part 1
We all know that there is plenty of social media to access on the internet. But, with a blog, YOU are the star of your own show!
Want more followers? Here are 3 QUICK TIPS for today:
1. Put your “Followers” widget up at the top of your sidebar so people can find it quickly. If visitors have to hunt for it, they may not join. Make it visible and get more followers. (If you are new to this blog, please become a follower.)
2. Make sure that your blog address is embedded in your email so that when you write someone a letter, they will be able to find your blog at the click of a button.
3. If you have “word verification” on your blog when people leave comments, they may not be as likely to leave comments. So, unless you are really worried about receiving comments from bots, go into your template designer and get rid of “word verification.”
Now, let’s talk about back-links. Did you know that your blog has a ranking on Google? The higher your ranking, the more visibility you will receive in search engines. Yes, it’s true!
Exercise 1:
To check YOUR ranking, just click here.
Put your complete blog address into the box.
Push the button that says “Search PR.”
When you come to a new page, fill in the code box (so that they know you’re a person.)
You will receive your ranking for free. Easy!
The results could surprise you!!!
Before you proceed to Part 2, please scroll down to the bottom of this page--ALL the way down until you reach a gray area where you will see a music player box. Right above it is a widget for you to check your stats. I will always keep it there. So, whenever you want to check yours in the future, come to my blog, scroll down to it and put your info. in. It will take you directly to the SAME page ranking site you were just on. It is ALWAYS a good idea to check your page rank periodically and I will have this available for anyone who visits my blog so that they can check their progress.
* * * * * *
Part 2
Let’s see one method of creating ever-important back-links for you. You know how we have blog buttons for each of our blogs? When you grab a friend’s blog button and place it on your blog WITH a link to their blog, you have JUST created a back-link for them.
BUT, you did not only help them. You could have just helped yourself too. Do you want to know why?
Exercise 2: Try it and see for yourself!
Go to your Google search bar (you know, the place where you go to find things on the internet), click “Images” up at the top left, and put in the words Cindy Adkins Whimsical Musings into the Google search bar and click “search images.” You will see images from my blog. But, look carefully because you will also see pictures of other people’s art.
If you already put my blog button on YOUR blog with a link to me or if you have mentioned me on your blog with a link to my blog, most likely, you will also come up under a search of my name under “images” and vice versa.
A quick glance at my page on Google and you will see artwork from Dorthe at Den lille lade, Terry at Terry 2 Dogs, Lynne from Adorn, Donna from My Shabby Chateau--and more!
If people are searching for my blog in Google, they could also come upon many people that link back to me. How neat is that?
Now you can see why you want your button on your friends’ blogs and why you want theirs on yours. Exposure is the name of the game and as you get more back-links, you will get higher ranking on Google!
Also, when you visit a blog and become a follower, the same thing happens, so don’t forget to follow as many blogs as you can.
If you need to know HOW to insert a button on Blogger, just click HERE. I have complete instructions!!!
Tomorrow in Class 2, I will reveal a little-known fact about blog content.
Just to let you know--All other classes are extremely short and do not contain exercises for you to do!
As a graphic artist, I design blog buttons and would be happy to design yours if you don't have one. Just email me for the price at: Cindylou_20@hotmail.com They're not expensive! Just let me know your blog address so I can visit and give you advice on what I would suggest for the design of it.
Was this class helpful? If so, please tell your friends about it. Thank you, Debbie of Simply Debbie for announcing it on your blog.
If you have a Facebook page, would you mind posting this on Facebook? The Facebook button is right below this post and says "F." Thanks SO much! I am hoping that this class will reach thousands of people!!!
Linking this to Pink Saturday!
This was helpful and informative. I will have to work on making a button for my blog some time. Thanks for the class. I may have to catch up loter on class 2, I will be out of town.
So interesting, Cindy! Thank you for the mention and I never thought about making a button! I am not sure why so many people use word verification! Thank you for giving us such useful information! Have a great evening!
Thanks! I had linger even longer just to let the song finish. I love it. : )
Thank you Cindy for such great information! I so agree about the word verification! It is annoying! I only ranked a 2, phooey! Though not really sure what that means, or how I can increase it. Will you be going over that in the next session? Thanks again, you are awesome!!
Thank you Cindy for such great information! I so agree about the word verification! It is annoying! I only ranked a 2, phooey! Though not really sure what that means, or how I can increase it. Will you be going over that in the next session? Thanks again, you are awesome!!
This was a very helpful post. Looking forward to others. xo
Very informative!! Thanks for the info! Love it! :):):):):):):):):):):)
Thanks for the post. It is very helpful.im looking forward to the next lesson.
Thanks for visiting my blog! Excited to read your online seminar and have added you as my newest follower!
Great tips, Cindy. I was aware of the Google Page Rank because of the other work I do, so I'll be thrilled when I even reach 1! lol Thanks to you, I have a lovely blog button - gotta work on getting more people to display it now! Going now to move my "Follow Me" widget. Shared this on my facebook! Thanks!!!
You are very sweet and generous to share this with us all! Will spread the news! Have a great weekend! :^) patsy
Thanks Cindy - a very interesting read. Now I have to find out what a blog button is???
luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox
Thank you, Cindy! All this stuff I didn't know. I ought to make myself a button!
Hi Cindy
This is wonderful! I am learning heaps. I do have the same question as Donna. Will the rating increase the more we follow other blogs and getting them to exchange buttons?
Perhaps you may cover this in the future. It is all great and you are just the best in helping everyone!
Love and hugs,
Very informative Cindy, Thanks so much! Speaking of blog buttons I have yours, I hope you will take mine, maybe you thought you had it. Maybe I overlooked it, as it is getting late and I better retire, now I moved all my buttons and rearranged my blog sidebars. What a workout, lol Hugs sweet girlie and see ya tomorrow. Marilou
Dear Cindy- THANKS -the part two, I did not know about,at all - so you just made me learn helpful new stuff- :)
and Thanks for using my blog as an example, dear friend-
You explains all great, so even I can understand-(I`m not a clever computer user) -You are such a giving blogger, and so sweet.
Thanks Cindy for the information. have a great day. take care.
Thanks Cindy for the information. have a great day. take care.
Hi Cindy - just back to say I have done it - thanks so much for all your help.
luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox
Very interesting, Donna!
Great Post Cindy, use most of these tips but its always so good to read.
I have some lovely French freebie images on my Dezinaworld blog today. pop by if you get the chance and have a wonderful weekend
hugs June x
Thanks Cindy, I have found this very interesting. I have grabbed your blog button. I'll have to work out how to do one for myself. I look forward to the next lot of tips
Dot x
Obrigada querida Cindy...Dicas preciosas...
Thank you so much Cindy; this was very informative. You are such a great teacher....and so generous...love G.
Oh Cindy very informative.I never knew you could check your blog rank.But I shouldnt have mine was a o lol.Anyway,Im liking he idea about moving my follower widget.Thanks for all the info my friend.
Happy weekend to you!
Thank you Cindy! I learned a lot from this lesson and really appreciate your sharing :)
Thank you so much for this Cindy. Such very useful tips and so beautifully simply explained.
I will have to create my own blog button and will now be putting yours on my sidebar to help spread the news.
Thanks again, you're an absolute star.
Hugs, Fliss xx
What an eye opener.
I don't have a button and now wonder if I should make one. The reason I never had one was I didn't think people would add me to their blog.
Thanks for this.
I am off to add your on-line class to a post I have on my blog.
Hi Cindy
Have added a note about your class on my blog.
Thanks so much Cindy! Following & can't wait to learn more :)
Thank you Cindy for mentioning me...you are so very kind.
I loved this class. I will move my follower widget.
I have a beautiful blog button that I comissioned Miss Valentine to do and not one person has taken it.....Maybe after this class people will be grabbing it right and left...lol
THANK YOU for offering these classes. some of the things I am already doing and some I had no clue...very helpful
hugs my sweet friend
Great post Cindy, and really co-incidental because today on my blog I was talking about connections and networking, lol. I went back and edited my post to include a link to yours. Thanks for the great info!
HI Cindy. Thanks for stopping by my new Treasured Sparrow blog. I found that movie on Netflix. I hope to have time to watch it this weekend.
Thanks Cindy! I always thought about putting in a blog button but not knowing how I just keep putting it off! Now I have to figure this one out!
Didn't know about the blog ranking, that is good to know. The good new there is, I'm on the board with a "1". I have a little bit of rearranging and changes to make.
Looking forward to the rest of your seminar
Thank you for sharing your wealth of blogging information in your class series. We appreciate it!
Have a great day,
Thanks for adding Cindy. Do you have a html code box for yours? I can't see one.
luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox
Thanks for the tips and info Cindy, very interesting!
This is amazing, thank you so much,
I have a question, I have never really understood how to "grab" a button, or how to create mine, I just tryed to create mine and I think it works but don't know because no one has it, yet, anyway,
ha! I tried to get yours and copied, but where do I paste it?
Thanks, Celeste, The Victorian Tailor
Wow you're quick! Pop back over, I did it again! lol
You are one great teacher Cindy! Your lesson was very informative, fun and helpful and I'm already looking forward to the next lesson! Class dismissed :-) Have a great weekend, hugs, Ira
Thank you Cindy for grabbing my button.
I think it truely works out better to have your follower button and your blog button st the top of your side bar.
can't wait for the next class and thank you so very, very much for grabbing my blog button...
your the greatest, kid
love and hugd
You certainly know your stuff, Cindy.This is a terrific tutorial and I have learned a couple of things already. I look forward to the next class. Thanks so much for taking time to share with all of us. Hugs, Gayle.
p.s. I will post this to my blog as well.
Thanks for the information Cindy!!! Would love for you to grab my button at
Thanks Cindy for an informative seminar. This is very helpful to new and established bloggers. Much appreciated.
The French Hutch
Thank you, Cindy, for the awesome tutorial...Now, I just need to learn how to change my background for a three column.....I need a change!
Yay!! managed tio get on and read your post .... many thanks for all the info!
Thanks to Angela/Shimmerlings I found your blog and this post. Looking forward to reading your next tips!
Great info ! Thanks Cindy ! I'm going to try and make my own blog button after this weekend . If I don't like the outcome I will be calling on you .
Doesn't all these links in your sidebar slow down the blogpage to be loaded?
Oh Cindy! I LOVE this!! I found out so much about my blog!
This webinar is fabulous! I have to go to lesson 2 now!
Thank you for this, Cindy! Headed to part two now!
Hello Cindy,
Yes! I got rid off word verification on mine.
It is my great pleasure to visit your website and to enjoy your excellent post here. I like that very much. I can feel that you paid much attention for those articles, as all of them make sense and are very useful. Thanks so much for sharing. I will be...
It is an honor to visit your page,you have helped me a lot in putting buttons headers and all that...your tutorials are awesome...Thank you for posting them.....also my friend Myric shared with me your blogging class...It would be very helpful for me as a newbie in blogging......KEEP POSTING!!!
I just came across your blog...I'm only on lesson one and I'm blown away. Lots of useful info. Thanks for sharing. I'm now a follower.
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