Hi Everyone~
Last week was a very interesting week, indeed, and that included several meetings regarding my career. Yes, I knew that online seminars were "big business." So, when I spoke with one of my business advisers and he told me to cease giving them away, I had to disagree....I wanted to make the information available to everyone--for free.
Many women have expressed that they really NEED a seminar about promoting an online business for themselves. So, "going against the tide," I created one~and it is now available if you go to the tab at the top of my blog.
My blogging seminar was attended by over 1,000 women. That tells me that this is information that women can really take to heart and run with....So, I'm passing the torch for the new class--and now you can run with it if it is something that you are interested in.
Also, my Novica giveaway is still going on. To enter, just click HERE. If your name is picked, you could win a gift certificate for $37.50 to spend at Novica. A winner will be chosen tonight!!!
It's great that you giveaway some seminars, as I am sure there are a lot who can't buy them! Hugs, Valerie
That's so you Cindy, you're extremely generous and not going for extra profit for yourself. Which is only one trait of you that I love so much. Hugs, Ira
Hi Cindy, well this is certainly a lot of food for thought! I have put your Blogging for Business badge on my sidebar...and now have to go and work out how to do some of the technical stuff...lol, could take awhile
Dot x
You are a dear, sweet, generous lady!
That is so sweet of you... during this time of the year especially, I know not everyone has the extra funds!! Off to check it out! :):):):):):):):):):):)
Goodmorning to you Cindy!Wishing you and your family a Blessed and beautiful Christmas.See you after the holidays.
Thanks Cindy for another awesome seminar!
Oh Cindy.. You are amazing! I think your talent for writing, blogging and crafting has becoming more like a ministry than a business! You have helped so many. May the blessings be back to you ten folds :)
Oh Cindy everything looks wonderful, and the new holiday header is so Merry!!
Thank you dear friend for such a holiday gift as to being featured in your magazine post.
I am busy creating wrapping up the semester with Hannah and her college classes to try to enjoy a break with her in the quiet :)
I am getting my gift off to you and am excited to add yours gifted to me under my tree.
You should be oh so proud of all you have created and all that you have entertained us with. Your beauty shines and you touch our hearts.
Thank you my lovely friend.
Bravo on all you create and feature.
Merry Christmas
hi hun just wanted to pop over to wish you and your family the most magical and wonderful christmas,ever and the best ever new year hun all my love massive hugs cherylxxxxxx
You have a wonderful spirit Cindy. Happy Holidays. Annette x
You are a very kind and sweet woman, dear Cindy- I wish I had more TIME just now...but I have to wait taking your Seminar- as it is so limited now.So I just hope it will be possible in january also :)
here was a little something send off to you today.
That so-called "marketing expert" is no expert. He's a dinosaur and isn't changing with the times. His kind will soon be left in the dust...seriously.
For the past several weeks, I've been attending webinars and teleseminars about the shift in business ethics and marketing nowadays. (In fact, I spent 7 hours in a livecast and a teleseminar yesterday alone, and have some more to attend today. I'm on information overload, but that's for another topic - lol)!
Anyway, it's now changing to a service based economy. You have to serve and to give a lot of free content. Just look at Ali Brown, Sheri McConnell, Fabienne Frederickson, Greg Habstritt, and Jeff Walker, to name a few. They ALL give a ton of content away, yet they all make incomes in the six figures and beyond.
The dinosaur "marketing expert" you consulted is stuck in the last century. All one has to do is look at the economy to know things don't work the way they used to. Those who don't change with the times will fail. You, my dear, will succeed! :)
Thanks for mentioning me on your post, by the way. I really appreciate it.
Tracy Screaming Sardine
Hi Cindy, I just finished reading your new seminar. It's wonderful you are willing to share so many blogging tips. I've been thinking about adding the monetize but I was uncertain. I'm going to add your new seminar button to my side bar. Hugs, Linda
Cindy, you are amazing! You continue to bless us with your generous spirit and loving nature! Thank you so much! I haven't read your new seminar yet, but I surely will, my friend!
Hugs & Love,
WOW Cindy! What a fabulous thing to do!
I agree with your business advice, after all you are the one with the masters degree. And I, being educated myself, have to agree that it is giving away your VERY valuable advice, I see you are doing things your own way way. The way that is best for your business. Although I see some people think they know better than you, I think you are the one who is right! Keep being awesome! We wouldn't know what to do without you!!
You are so wonderful!
I just finished the seminar, Cindy! Fabulous! Thank you! I also made sure I visited the blogs you mentioned (and followed the ones I wasn't already following!) There is SO much creativity and inspiration out there! Thank you again.
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