I have a brand-new seminar happening on my blog....It's all about the artist in each one of us and you're welcome to join in and experience it...It is listed at the top of my blog.
And please, if you know anyone who could benefit from its contents, let them know about it--I know it's wonderful for us to encourage each other.
I have a special introduction of someone who is so very talented....Her name is Sharon and she owns Plumrose Lane....Whenever I mosey over to her blog, I am in "Graphic" heaven!!!
Did you notice my new Christmas background? That is one of Sharon's designs....
And she also has special blog buttons like this here....I hope you'll go pay her a visit if you want to browse around....Trust me, it's gorgeous over there!!! Sharon has an amazing creative spirit and is an inspiration.

If you want to go visit, just click HERE!
Your background is just gorgeous, Cindy. But then everything about you is ...
Hope Ralph is doing well.
Have a lovely week ~
Hugs & love,
PS Pop over for our GIVEAWAY
I love your vintage Christmas background. Will check out your new seminar also.
Hi Cindy,
Your Christmas background is very pretty.
I just read your seminar. It is so encouraging to a fledgling artist like me.
Oh my word... you're an angel dropped from heaven yourself, aren't you?! Thank you so much dear friend ~ you're an absolute treasure of the heart and mind!
I love your new background! Off to go check her blog out!
I read the seminar. Not only it was educational, but very uplifting! It encouraged me a lot! My heart was smiling the entire time I was reading it! I can read it over again!
Thank you so much!
Bless your heart!
I agree with Myric ... very encouraging seminar ... have a blessed day my friend
Thanks for the tip! Valerie
Hi dear Cindy, I have not had time for looking at your seminar-as all have been about shows, and shows and.......
but after this coming wek-end, it is the last one, and I will have more time again.
Hope all is well, and that you enjoy december.
I am loving the new background!!! :):):):):):):):):):):)
Fantastic new background Cindy, really love this. Yes, Plumrose Lane is a gorgeous website with beautiful graphics! Hope you're doing fine!! Big hugs, Ira
You are such a superstar my friend! Free seminars and advertising for your friend all in one post! Awesome!!
I LOVE that header, and the background is amazing! It looks so dimensional!
Cindy, I'm so happy you are promoting Sharon. She is amazingly talented and I would recommend her to everyone! In addition, YOU are amazingly talented too and appreciate all you do for us bloggers! Thank you.
Your background looks wonderful. You have such a beautiful blog I really need to pop in more often!!
Hugs, Linda
Gorgeous background for sure!
Sharon's work is quite wonderful!!!! I'm very excited that you are offering this free seminar - I know it will be of great use to many. :)
How could we not? It is sooo beautiful, Cindy!!
I'm going to go and see what she has, thank you for recommending her!
I just finished your seminar. I can relate well to your 1st lesson. It is only recently that I refer to myself as an artist. Your seminar is a wonderful source of encouragement for every creative person.
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