Well, why not a take a few precious moments just for YOU? It will be like going to a sauna or getting a massage, only this pampering is for your artistic soul.
Just pour a cup of coffee or tea, relax and enjoy this ride as it takes you to places in your own heart that are yearning to be expressed....
And when you have completed the seminar, you are welcome to display this specially made graduation certificate that was created just for you.
The seminar is located at the top of my blog on one of the tabs. I have also created a piece of art for your studio, which you are welcome to print out and frame--It is at the end of the seminar posting.
I also have a big giveaway going on, so if you scroll down to the next post, you're welcome to enter.
Also, I want to say a special THANK YOU--My book, "Blogging: It's a 'Woman' Thing" has soared up and up on Amazon and I am so humbled by all the emails I have received about it!!!
Linking this to Homemaker on a Dime!
(Link is on my sidebar.)
You have some great ideas in your seminar; thanks for sharing! Hugs, Valerie
Thank you, Cindy, for making a seminar geared towards creativity. I will read it thoroughly as soon as I can. Just from the 1st moment, I agree sooooo much that everyone has creativity inside them. So many think they aren't artistic, but it comes from so many levels. As always, lovely to hear from you! Hope your hubby is still recovering well. *hugs*
Thanks so much! What a sweet and generous gesture. I can't wait to get started!
Hi Cindy,
First, thanks for sharing your incredible talents with us. This time I'm talking about your writing abilities. I have just read through your seminar on creativity and also read the bit about making our blogs more attractive to visitors.
Next, I just want to wish you and Ralph a blessed Christmas season, since we are now in Advent. I hope the accident he had earlier is only a memory and that he has healed from the injuries.
Next, One point not made, probably because you have the latest in electronic gadgetry, is that a lot of bloggers have dial up or older computers. In those cases, blogs that have videos or music can set that little rainbow beach ball whirling on Macs or the hourglass to go into rigor mortis on PCs. There are times I have spent 10 or 15 minutes per blog, because I couldn't get it to scroll down to the comments section.
Lastly, you are such a blessing to bloggers. Thanks for being you.
Thanks Cindy,
It was so comforting to read thoughts and feelings from you that I have had also. The journey is such a personal thing and if others are inspired, or just admire, then that is up to them. Thanks for reminding me of the importance of taking the time to be me, to do the things that I want to do and that we are all important and very worthwhile.
Dot x
Dear Cindy,
As usual, you have spoken to our hearts and souls. How many of us have encouraged our children, friends, loved ones "They Can Do It!" yet we sit on the side lines - wishing, hoping, doubting? I know I have. I've said before, and will again, you have helped me in breaking out my inner artist! I, too, believe we all CAN do it ~ once we have someone who will give us that bit of encouragement. I wonder if you know how many lives you have touched, lifted up?
Blessings, dear friend,
I'm excited! I'm going to try to make time to take it this weekend! Thank you so much for always being so thoughtful and such a good friend! ♥
You always have such great ideas, Cindy :)Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)
Hi Cindy!This is awesome! You get the most inspiring ideas for us all.I would love to do this.Thanks a bunch for thinking of us and creating this new seminar.
Hi Cindy,
Such a wonderful gift and I will try and make time for it too. Thank you for sharing and being apart of the best of blogland my friend.
I want to also take a moment and wish you and your hubby a wonderful Christmas and many blessings in the new year. I so hope he is doing well now.
I am having a giveaway too and if you get a moment to enter I would be honored.
Have a wonderful weekend and blessings to you always.
Love ya, Celestina Marie
Oh Cindy! This is amazing! Thank you very much for sharing! You must be very busy these days. Glad to see again my friend!
Hi Cindy,
I read your wonderful seminar, so much great food for thought.
Thank you for sharing this generous gift.
I do hope that your husband is doing well.
Sending hugs and hope that you are enjoying the weekend
I will take advantage of this webinar!
Thanks Cindy! I will do my best to read it all. I think it will help me out. :)
Have a great week!
God bless and keep you,
Congratulations on your book, Cindy!!
Thank you for being so generous to share your Launch Your Creativity seminar!
Have a wonderful weekend
Thank you, Cindy, for the free seminar. I can't wait to view it!
It will be an early Christmas present and hopefully spark my creativity!
Hi Cindy...another inspirational writing, and so appreciated. Beautifully presented and as always you stir our emotions and give us fuel to strive to enhance our passion for creating art. Thank you for your words, your art and your faith in all of us. You are a wonderful friend. Hugs, Gayle.
oh cindy I have always loved,your creativity and the way you express yourself not only in words but in your work too you are such an inspiration sweetie and I am really proud to have got to know you and to have,your wonderful friendship loved the senimar,so inspiring,will be printing out,those words,to hang in my room love to you and ralph hugs cherylxxxx
Thanks Cindy for the free seminar. I will definately take a look. hugs dear one.
Thanks dear Cindy for this free seminar, as soon as I've caught up blogging I will have a closer look!! Big hugs, Ira
Hi Cindy ... Yes I am joining in ... thank you for your email and your kind words ... should there be any contact I will surely let you know ... have a wonderful Sunday ... hugs
This sounds like it will be a lot of fun. Thank you, Cindy! *HUGS*
Lovely of you to think of your gathering in such a nice way! Thank You so much!
P.S. I really love the blog design you've chosen for the holidays! Gorgeous design!
Well, I will most certainly read your newest seminar. I always leave with something special from them and from your page in general. Just one click here and the love comes jumping off the page.
As far as that header, WOW! I love how you put the tree in your pretty train case. So pretty. I love it.
Thank you for sharing your talent and great ideas Cindy! I am looking forward to checking it out tonight! Big Hugs,
Hi Cindy, the seminar is a great idea. I always learn so much from you and your blog. Congratulations on your book. Awesome!
The French Hutch
Cindy, I LOVE your new blog banner and your tree! What a cool idea to nestle it in a vintage train case! Oh wow - your whole blog looks so festive and beautiful! I took the seminar and was SO inspired - I'm painting this afternoon! Love & Hugs,
Your header looks amazing CIndy! What a nice idea for a seminar. I sure can use some me time, not sure if I am going to find it though.
This was so awesome, Cindy!! Thank you so much! What a gift your kindergarten teacher was!!
BTW, what did you get your master's in?
Thanks for another wonderful seminar Cindy! I will definitely be hanging the inspiration piece in my craft room.
I agree with all of your Lessons. Thanks for assembling this and giving a friendly nudge to the readers who have the inclination and the dreams.
Sounds like a fabulous seminar Cindy ~ I'm right there with you encouraging artists to believe in themselves. Self doubt seems to be so prevalent in artists and any resource that helps push past those barriers is to be admired ~ bravo! And kudos to you for offering it free!
What a wonderful thing to offer, Cindy! I know it will be amazing--maybe after the holidays I can check into it--I don't even seem to have time to breathe right now!
I love how creative, thoughtful & generous you are, dear friend--you're simply an inspiration...
Thank you for another wonderful learning/inspirational experience. I hope to participate soon...
Have a wonderful day.
Always, Queenie
Hi Cindy,
Thank you for this wonderful read and the sign about being an ARTIST!
I'll hang it in my studio for my students to read as well.
You are a gorgeous lady for sharing your knowledge.
Creative hugs,
This sounds AMAZING! :):):):):):):):):):):)
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