Hi Everyone~
I hope that you are having a wonderful weekend! Our Mardi Gras Parade is today, so it will be fun! I have a brand-new book on Amazon that is called "Spirituality: Are You Hard-Wired for Happiness?" For those of you who know Holly from 2911 Jeremiah Avenue, she is featured in the book. She has a wonderful monthly post on her blog called "Woman of Hope" in which she features women who are an inspiration. And Holly is a true inspiration herself! This is an eBook that is $2.99.

If you would like to receive my newsletter, just email me at: Cindylou_20@hotmail.com and I will be happy to email it to you!

My eBook, "Do You Need a Hug from Heaven?" is an Amazon Bestseller and I am so happy to hear from so many of you that have told me about your "hugs from heaven" that you have received....It really warms my heart. It's an eBook that is $2.99.
I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!!!
Monday will be my link party and you're welcome to link up anything you love!
Linking this to:
Pink Saturday
Spiritual Sundays
Inspire Me Monday
Market Your Biz and Giveaway
Blogger's Bodega
You have been working so hard to achieve all of this and so it's more than well deserved that you should be so successful Cindy! I for one am very happy for you, especially since you continue to be an inspiration to lots of women. Have fun at the Parade! We will have ours next Saturday! Enjoy and have a lovely weekend, hugs, Ira xox
you are indeed truly a hardworking and loving person. a thousand blessings to you Cindy. and happy pink saturday! xo
Dear Cindy, you are amazing, already having a new book at the street- CONGRATULATION- my friend, and with your :Do you need a hug from Heaven, selling so fantastic.
I hope your weekend will be full of fun and relaxation, as I guess you need it, you are really working hard, and deserves to be on the bestseller list.
Hugs and a most happy week-end to you.
woo hoo Congratulations Cindy. I am over the moon for you. Have fun at the Party. Hugs Annette x
Congrats Cindy!
I have loved all of your books, looking forward to this new one!
Hope you have fun at the parade!!
Hugs from me!
Congratulations, Cindy!! Enjoy the parade. :)
Hi Cindy,
Congratulations. You are such an inspiration. Blessings always.
Congrats on your new book ... Have a wonderful time at the Mardi Gras ... how I wish I could join you!
Hi Cindy, Congrats on your newest book my friend. This one sounds as wonderful as all the others. You have been busy bringing inspiration and encouragment to all and I thank you for everything you do for others along the way. Truly you are and inspiration and your dedication is admirable.
Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the parade.
Love to you, Celestina Marie
Hi Cindy, Congratulations on another inspirational book. I downloaded and read it last night. Wonderful!
Thanks for all the inspiration and encouragement you've given me and others.
Have a wonderful time at the parade!
Oh dear Cindy, what an inspiration you are to so many people. I would love to be in your head for an hour, what wonderful treasure I would see. Congrats and your new book, I'm off to get it now!
Congratulations on your new book Cindy. Happy Pink Saturday and have a super fun time at the parade! Hugs, Linda
Congrats on the new book!!! It sounds wonderful!!
You are an amazing woman, Cindy! Congrats on the new book. I just finished reading Do You Need a Hug from Heaven and I thought it was wonderful. I, too, have experienced my own hug from heaven, so I really enjoyed it!
YAY!!! Congratulations!! I'm working on a book so I know the dedication and hard work that goes into getting complete... Way to go!!! xo HHL
Another winner, Cindy! I really enjoyed this book.
Enjoy the parade. I wish I was there!
Ummmm..Cindy...what ARE you doing with all your SPARE time? I mean you only spend 20 hours a day writing and creating and blogging. Seriously, you need to find something to fill those other 4 hours!
Good for you, girlie. Another book under your belt! Love to you- xo Diana
Oh my gosh,Cindy! Your creativity is endless! Congrats on your latest book, I need to read it right now:) And I would love to receive your newsletter! Now take a well deserved break and enjoy the parade:)
Congratulations on your recent books Cindy, you are a gift from heaven yourself and a true inspiration. Blessings my friend and love, Marilou
Congratulations on your new book. You are such an inspiration to so many people, including me. Have a good weekend.
Congratulations Cindy!! You are one busy woman!! You must love what you're doing. I've been browsing through your blog...very inspirational and your artwork is lovely! Happy Valentine Pink Saturday!! ~Lorraine ♥♥♥
blessings to you Hun as you are such an inspiration,and everything is so so well deserved hugs Cherylxxxxxx
When do you rest? That creative inspirational mind of yours is amazing.
Congratulations Cindy! Looks amazing!!
You're making a lot of people happy with your books, Congratulations on this new one!
Congrats Cindy on another fabulous book! Happy Pink Saturday too!
Dear Cindy,
I can hardly wait to finish this new one! Your books have all been an inspiration, not only to me, but to so many others. Women all over blog land are asking, "have you ready Cindy Adkins new book?"
Your success is growing by leaps and bounds and couldn't be happening to a more hardworking and deserving woman!
May God continue to inspire your heart to write these books that help so many see His love.
Many blessings, dear Cindy, with much appreciation,
Congratulations, Cindy! I hope this book is just as successful as all the others!!! :) xoxo
I didn't know you write books too Cindy...these sound awesome. Got to check them out.
Awesome for you! The title sells the book so well - the message sounds wonderful. I love how much you share on your blog to help others. I've been published many times but recently have been pushed by friends to go all ebook and take control of my career in a new way so love hearing about people doing that. Congrats.
Happy Pink Valentines.
Wishing you a great week ahead.
♥ Regina
Wow, Cindy! Congratulations on publishing another book! You're amazing. I'll be downloading it! Can't wait to read it!
Hugs, Cindy
Dear Cindy,
I have finished this new book, and would like to thank you for your hard work and dedication to all of us. This book is terrific and I pray everyone will download a copy and read it.
We don't have a Kindle yet, so I simlpy download to my computer and, easy peasy, read away!
Thank you again, for the simple reminder to stay God centered!
Many blessings,
Congratulations on your new book. What a wonderful Monday inspiration post.
WOOT-WOOT!!!! SOOOOOoooo happy for you.
Thank you again, for my beautiful Valentine, Cindy. I'm still drying my tears.
Congratulations Cindy! I am thoroughly convinced there is absolutely nothing you can't achieve. You are the most motivated person I have ever met.
Congratulations on this newest book. You are an inspiration to many people. Certainly I am one of them. Thank you for sharing your wonderful talents.
I just finished the book! It is so awesome!! Sending you a pm. You're wonderfully talented!
Hugs, Cindy
Oh, thank you, Cindy for this! It is another great seller and blessing to those who read it! YOU are hardwired to make a difference in others' lives!
Dear Cindy, how wise of you to adjust your schedule to concentrate more on the work at hand. I will be looking forward to your next book!
I truly appreciate all the help you have given me. You've got me started
and because of you I'll be able to carry on. Thank you so much!
Wishing you much success in all that you do!!!
xoxo, Maki
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