I am proud to announce the release of my newest book, Women: Blogging Can Give You Wings.
Welcome to the Launch Party! Through this book, you will be able read the stories of some powerful women in the blogging community to see first-hand how they “grew their blogs.” Their stories will astound you and warm your heart.
This is what is written about the book on Amazon:
Blogging is one of THE most powerful networking tools available today. Learn from bestselling author and blogging expert Cindy Adkins why having an online presence is essential. Increase traffic to your blog and learn from “super-bloggers” who have already mastered success. They include Sonia Crouse, Editor-In-Chief of Creating Vintage Charm magazine; Pat Winter, Editor-in-Chief of Crazy Quilt Gatherings magazine (Gatherings); Karen Valentine (My Desert Cottage) custom blog designer for Valentine Design and creator of the yearly studio event Where Bloggers Create; Sharon Hughes (My Life at Pansy Cottage and Garden) and creator of Launch Your Creativity; Liz Perry (The Brambleberry Cottage); Soraya Julian (Homemaker on a Dime); Debbie Manno (Debbiedoos,) as well as Debra Germain and Nicole Germain-Perez (Capers of the Vintage Vixens.) These are all women who know first-hand how blogging can impact women’s lives and are willing to share their knowledge with others to help them “grow their blogs,” increase traffic, and make their online spaces profitable, as well as enjoyable.
~ ~ ~
You will be seeing this beautiful button throughout blogland, and it was especially designed by Karen Valentine, who is a very talented blog designer and owner of Valentine Design—Thank you, Karen!
I also have a special post for a hand-crafted journal. If you would like to see it, click HERE.
Linking this to:
Creative Bloggers' Party and Hop
Market Your Biz and Giveaways
Bloggers' Bodega
What's It Wednesday
Time Travel Thursday
Show and Tell Friday
Congrats on your new book Cindy!
You are such a prolific writer Cindy! Congrats on another book!! Hugs, Ira
Big Congratulations on your book! The cover art is beautiful.
Thank you again so very much Cindy, for including me, thinking of me, and believing in me! It's a wonderful book!
Congratulations on your book Cindy.
You never cease to amaze me with your wonderful talents.
I'll be sure and read what these fabulous women have to say.
Congratulations, Cindy! Good for you. When I am looking at your blog today I am getting a lot of "linky-looking" things under each artists name. I am copying and pasting one so you can see.
Is it supposed to look like this?
Sonia Crouse
Just thought you would want to know. xo Diana
Thank you again Cindy for believing in me. It is an honor for me to be included among the chosen few.
I admire what you are doing.
So glad to meet you over at my blog :-)
What a gorgeous and giving space you have here.
Hope that you pop by and share a Valentine's project today at my party.
Hi Cindy, I am so happy you came by my blog...it gave me a chance to go to yours....fantastic info!
I will be back when I can get lost here ~ lol!
Have a beautiful week!
Congratulations, sweet Cindy! I don't know how you do it all but I'm so glad I was led to you and your beautiful talents.
Congratulations on what is bound to be another best seller!
Hi Cindy, Congratulations! Thank you for including Nicole and me in your newest book. We are so excited!!!!I know this will be yet another best seller:)
~Debra xxx
Capers of the vintage vixens
Congratulations on yet another beautiful heartfelt book. Thank you for including me in this newest book. I am so honored to be a part of this and humbled that you enjoyed my story enough to write about it. Being among the company of these incredible women and meeting you is a treasure I won't soon forget. Thank you great work.
Congratulations Cindy on your newest book! I will have to download it too.
You are so talented. Thanks for sharing.
I cannot thank you enough, Cindy, for including me in this wonderful blogging-superstar lineup! It's an honor and a privilege to be part of such a marvelous book! ;)
Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage
I don't know how you have the time to keep creating as fast as you do and create so well!
But, I am glad to see all your wonderful and thoughtful art and read your words!
thank you!
Looking forward to reading it, Cindy! Congratulations! XO
Congratulations on your new book Cindy! Yeeeey!!! xx
I am SO excited-I just downloaded it and can't wait to get started reading! Congratulations!
It is an absolute lrivilege to be included in this project Cindy. You are atrue blessing to so many of us in blogland. Thankyou for your love,friendship and support.
Congratulations Cindy! This book is so enjoyable and filled with fantastic information and ideas. Thanks. Hugs, Linda
Big, huge Congratulations on the new book!!! How wonderful!!! Wishing you all the success in the world.
Have a great day.
Always, Queenie
Hi Cindy, I just finished visiting all 9 of your Super Bloggers. I made sure that I have bookmarked their site in my favorites and that I am one of their followers. I made a list of their names and their blog names. I'm going to hang it near my computer to help me remember to visit them often. Oh, I also added one more SUPER BLOGGER to my list Cindy, YOU!!
Hugs, Linda
Congratulations, Cindy!! I'm so proud to know you! You've changed my life - you really have, with your blogging wisdom, creativity and generous sharing of all you know. You're awesome!!
Love, Cindy
Congrats on your book, Cindy! It sounds very interesting.
You sure are a busy girl!
Hi Cindy,
Another wonderful book!!!
Thanx to share with us this beautiful informations for the books.This books are really inspire womans.I think all womans are read this book.
Dear Cindy,
I have had the opportunity to read all of your books, and this one is yet another absolutely phenomenal read!
Blogging is BIG - bigger than we think and it does give us WINGS!
Through blogging we can go anywhere in the world, meet people we never thought we would meet, see art, literature, hear music, learn crafts of every kind. We can be anyone we want to be, do anything we want to do, learn anything we want to learn.
You once again take us on a journey of success, not just from your perspective but from other successful women, like yourself. All of these bloggers are open to helping each and every one of us who is willing to learn to have the same success on our own blogs if we are willing to learn!
I have been so excited since I finished my first read of the book, I've started three notebooks to start listing what I want for myself, start planning and then I am going to start an action plan to achieve my dreams.
The best thing about this book - I came away knowing I CAN DO IT, I can be successful, have a successful business, and I can do it from my computer!
Thank you, Cindy, for introducing us to these wonderful and successful women who are willing to share their knowledge with us.
To you and all of the women who contributed their stories, I pray for your continued success!
Many blessings,
Congrats!!! I am so happy for you ... not least of all because you are doing something that makes you happy and in turn brings happiness to others ... Blogging certainly changed my life ... My love to you Cindy xxxx
Congratulations on another successful book! You are amazing!!
You are an amazing lady and author and artist. Congratulations my friend]
hugs June x
Hi Cindy,
Congratulations. You are such a special lady and an inspiration to so many of us.
Blessings and Best Wishes,
Hi Cindy,
Congrats on another wonderful book! I will it tonight!
I just got the "Do you need a hug from Heaven" Thanks for sharing
your ideas and books with us all!
Hugs from me!
Cindy you are just one amazing, amazing lady. WOW I am so overwhelmed by all you write and do. And for so many. I'm so excited to read this new book. I have already learned so much from you and appreciate your patience, kindness and caring. You are a magnificent and magnanimous individual. And all those great women who contributed to the book are such an inspiration to those of us who are fledging new bloggers trying to get their wings. And soon we will truly be able to fly high and enjoy the wind beneath our wings with these other dedicated and choice bloggers.
Thankyou too for commenting on my blog posts. You are such a good friend to me. Thankyou from my heart. I appreciate you more than you can possibly know.
Love to you my dear dear friend,
Cindy I can't find the place where I subscribe to you by email. I know it must be on here but I am missing it.
Exciting and beautiful news and when my life calms down I am going to read e v e r y t h i n g~
Congrat's on the new book! I will definitely be checking it out!
Hub's just bought me a kindle, now I can add another book to my collection!
Cindy, congrats on yet another great book! Your talent knows no bounds! I am so happy for you!!
Hi Cindy, wanted to come by and say thank you again. I have a lovely post up today and wanted you to know how grateful I am!
Oh Miss C! Exciting news for SURE! I can't wait to read EVERYTHING! I mean it! EVERY-THING!
Congrats, Cindy! I know this book is going to be a hit, can't wait to read it!
CONGRATS on the new book!!! Sounds AMAZING! :):):):):):):):):):):)
Congrats as usual, Cindy.
I thought I'd stop over and let you know that Mary from Hope Filled Living just posted your journals and they are gorgeous. Love, love, love!!!
I am so excited for you, I got your book right away and love it!
I going to spend some time tomorrow looking at your journals, but tonight I'm reading my new book!
Dearest Cindy, your book looks so beautiful, -CONGRATULATIONS -dear, you are so very talented .
Love and hugs from a snowfilled Bornholm- we are covered in white stuff this morning!!!
xx Dorthe
Parabéns pelo novo livro Cindy!!! Que seja um grande sucesso, como os outros!!!
Hi Cindy, I found you through the comment you made on my guest post over at Holly's blog. Thank you for your kind words. Looking forward to reading your new book which I just purchased. Am now your latest follower. Thanks for all you offer here. ~ Abby
Congratulations dearest Cindy! You did it again. I cannot wait to read this fabulous book. Thank you for being so extraordinarily wonderful and blessed!
congrats. and also i think you are a genius! and a gracious one at that. much love.
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