Class 3: Check Your Stats
You have just entered a free online class for women by Cindy Adkins, author of “Blogging: It’s a ‘Woman’ Thing” and “Blog from the Heart: A Woman’s Guide to Blogging,” both available on Amazon.
BIG NEWS!!! Blogging: It's a "Woman" Thing just went up over 18,000 ranks on Amazon today!!! Yay!!!
While this class was designed for women, men are absolutely welcome too!
From this class you will learn:
1. How to check your blog stats
2. Why blog stats are important
3. How choosing the right parties
can increase traffic to your blog
* * * * * * *
Welcome! or in other words, "Let's Party!"
Be sure to check how many visitors you have had from your blog stats. See how many people came to your blog in the last week, but also look at where they came from.
In the future, if you join blog parties, join the ones that bring traffic to your site. I joined a blog party once that brought me 2 visitors. I spent 4 hours creating that post. If I knew what my stats would be for that party, I would not have come back.
* * * * * *
I also joined a blog party once that brought me 500 visitors in a matter of 2 days! Not one of the people left a message, but they increased traffic to my blog. Was it worth the time of posting? Yes, indeed it was! In fact, some very small blog parties can bring people who actually visit AND leave messages, so don’t worry about the size of the party.
Some big parties are what I refer to as “Stop and Drop’s.” People put their link on and never visit a single person. Why do they bother? It’s fun to visit AND when you leave a comment on someone else’s blog--get this part--your comment will often come up in search engines too and make you look like you’re “all over the place!”
If you would like to see how to check your stats on Blogger, click HERE! It’s easy!
One more thing: Before you go, could you please push the +1 button below this post? I'd really appreciate it!
Now, here are some awesome places to party!
If you are new to blogging, I would like to suggest Debbie's Newbie Party--You'll get lots of traffic from there!!! It's happening every Monday.
Here are my daily favorite picks with the names of the hostesses:
Monday: Brag Monday (Karen)
Tuesday: Blogger's Bodega (Debra and Nicole)
Wednesday: White Wednesday (Kathleen)
Thursday: Time Travel Thursday (Liz)
Alphabet Thursday (Jenny)
Friday: Show and Tell Friday (Cindy)
Potpourri Friday (Honey)
Saturday: Pink Saturday (Beverly)
If you ever want to join one of them, feel free to come back here and
click on them from this post or from my sidebar!
Have a wonderful day!
You are so right on Cindy about the blog parties. I have been trying out some new ones just to see what is out there. Another great post!
oh yes, Cindy I did mean to mention as well, that my newbie party is good in the sense.., it is very interacting and I really see friendships being made. Friendships, mean readership and comments:)
Great tips again Cindy. I'll be looking forward to more tips.
Thanks Cindy...Funny I just added the Monday brag one to my blog roll, as I have never joined that one.
Thanks again, Cindy! As you know, I've been trying out different blog parties. I'll definitely check out Debbie's Newbie Party!
Once again you have given us some great tips, Cindy! And I so agree about the "stop and drop people"! After all, the whole purpose of linky parties is to share ideas, and to visit others!!!!!
Awesome tips! :):):):):):):):):):):)
Thank you for this, Cindy. I love how you emphasize the communal nature of blogging. We're not in this alone, but we need to make the effort and get out there and enjoy what other people are doing, too. And be nice and say hello, and please and thank you, like any visitor should.
This is wonderful and it's changed the way I view my blog and blogging in general.
Thanks again and thank you for your sweet comments on my doll. *blushes furiously* You're too kind! And yeah, mint green.
Aloha Cindy;
Hope you're enjoying your weekend!
I enjoyed class 3,just as great as the previous ones, full of such useful information.
I'll step outside the box and try joining another blog party.
Thanks again for a great class.
Warm hugs to you.
Great info Cindy I have +1d it.
luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox
Great tip. Thanks for sharing links for more blog parties. I am a follower of few of them already!
You certainly know what you are talking about Cindy, these are extremely useful lessons that I will definitely put into good use one of these days, but first I have to see to my nieces, the keep tugging my ears, lol! Have a great Sunday, hugs, Ira
Thanks for all the tips! Hugs, Valerie
Another great post Cindy, thanks for the helpful info!!
Angela @ Shimmerlings
This was awesome Cindy Im learning alot.Even though im not into selling anything,but who knows about the future right? Thanks again!
Have a beautiful day!
More amazing advice. If I had a Kindle I would be buying your books.
I have to say that I've joined parties in the past, leaving lots of comments and visiting and yet few people take the trouble to visit and I wondered, is it worth the time but the plus side I discover blogs that are new to me and open my eyes to new ideas.
Thank you for those links.
Cannot wait for Day 4.
P.S. when you have a second take a look at my blog :)
Another helpful course Cindy...I have been to a large party where I visited 68 people and commented on all and received 3 comments and they were not from the party....what does that say about me and how to change it...that is what I want to learn....
hugs and love
Thanks for sharing! I must say, I have joined many parties and try to visit at LEAST 2. As for leaving comments, I have found a few on every linkie party(and sometimes even the host)that I CAN'T leave a message...always get a message that says "Imput error - Cookie Value is NULL for FormRestoration"? I feel bad when this happens because I really want to leave a message! Debbie's newbie is one of my Favs!
Wonderful lesson!!
Could you tell me more about this
+1 thing?
I saw DebbieDoo featured you today!! She is the biggest helper for newbies. I commented to her and said "I am enjoying Cindy's class so much! Just when I thought I knew eveything, I found out I don't!"
Blog parties are great! I'm so glad you did a lesson about this as it's the number one way I've grown my blogs.
I'd also like to add a link party I'd love for you to check out:
If you get featured, you will literally get several thousand hits in just one day, with the hits trickling in for months. If you don't get featured, you'll still get over a hundred hits in a week's time. It's a blog party that is an absolute must for me every week.
Tracy Screaming Sardine
I just found you from DebbieDoos and I love your hints and helps. I need all I can get! Thanks! I have signed up to be a follower.
HI Cindy,
Thanks for doing this tutorial. One can never learn enough. Question, what is the difference to showing a blog list or link list? Is is better to reply to a comment someone left you on their blog or email back? Sometimes not always easy to find their email.
Big Hugs, Chris
Thanks Cindy! I was learning by trial and error! So thank you for your contribution!
A hug!
Thank you. I still have much to learn. This is the first post of yours I have read so I will go back and read the others. Could you explain the +1 button.
Great tips Cindy. There are so many linky parties here in Blogland, but I'm with you on being selective. I have just a few that I link up with.
Thanks for sharing your great ideas.
oh hun you are always a mine,of information and really kind too,and all those books hun gosh you are so talented hun good for you could not have happened to a nicer lady love hugs cherylxxxxx
Congratulations on your success, Cindy! How wonderful! I have a question: who can join the newbie party? Thank you for the helpful hints! How wonderful!
What a blessing you are to people.
I almost forgot! I loved your tooth story! God is so good - it was even pumpkin. =0)
Thanks Cindy! I know I need to join some more Party's. Now I know where to look!
That's right! It's about how many comments you get on a post, it's about how much traffic you get.
Stats will tell you that!
Many people visit blogs and do not leave comments, that's fine.
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