My awesome friend Roselle of Seaside Rose Creations was in need of an avatar for her amazing Etsy store....and she wanted a new Etsy banner too...
Well, I love her vintage finds, as well as her own creations, so this banner was fun to make. I adore that dress form so I knew it had to be used for her avatar! If you would like to visit Roselle, just click the name of her blog. I know she'd love to hear from you.
Marie of Dollys Daydreams wanted a whole new look to her blog--and oh, this was wonderful opportunity for me to find some of her beautiful pieces and showcase them....This encaustic work is so gorgeous. I just knew that the lady's hand was perfect for her blog button.
But, trying to narrow my choices down to 3 pieces was the hard part! But, I thought it would be precious to include one of Marie's handmade flowers to offset the hand holding the rose. If you would like to see more of Marie's work, just click the name of her blog and it will take you there directly.

In every project for Scrap for Help, we recycle or re-use something--so, I got a vintage book to use for this piece. If you would like to join in the fun, you have a whole month to make something. The winner gets a prize! To take a look at the amazing work of the design team, just go here.
My Victorian Christmas Week starts this Wednesday--I can hardly wait!!
Sending hugs to you all,