Hi Everyone~ I have decided to host a rare giveaway of my eBook, Mixed Media Art: Living Your Passion. If you would like to enter to win, just leave me a comment here. For 2 additional chances to win this Amazon bestseller, just "like" my Facebook page (the button is in the upper right corner of this blog.) And please post this giveaway to your Facebook page. For each additional thing you do, just leave a comment so you get more chances to win.
The winner will be announced on Monday, March 19, 2012. At that point, I will order a copy for the winner through Amazon, so I need to have an email address in order to email the eGift. Entrants must be 13 years or older.
Also, you don't need a Kindle to read this--There is a free app. at the top of my blog that you can put right on your computer to read it.
P.S. Thank you for all your "get well" wishes. I am hoping to get better soon!
Well you have my get well wishes Cindy! So sorry you're not well. You know I already "like" you on Facebook and I would be happy to repost this giveaway on Facebook for you.
Hugs XX
so glad you are on the mend.
Your e-book sounds a great prize!!
Hi Cindy, what a fantastic giveaway, count me in!
Hello Cin
Wonderful to read a post from you, I don't think I like this once a Month thing you have going on!!!
(I miss You)
I am aware that you have not been well so I do understand, thank you for the opportunity to be in with a chance of your give-away.
So good to hear from you again and I truly hope that you're healing well! Take care my friend! Wishing you the best, Ira xox
So sorry you are still not feeling well! Hugs, Valerie
Take good care and hope you're up and about soon.
Thanks to you telling us about the app I got the kindle app for the computer and have read a couple of books that way, it's certainly different than holding a book, but very convenient at times.
I'd be happy to have a chance to win your Mixed Media book. Thank you!
All the best,
Take care Cindy!!Hope you feel better son, Hugs May x x x FABULOUS book thank you for the chance to win, x x
Hope you feel better soon. Thanks for the chance to win your book.
Hope you are on the mend! I have liked your facebook page too x
Looks a lovely book, thank you for the chance to win it. X
You are just the sweetest!! I hope you feel better soon!!
Hi Cins! Well, I won't sign up for your giveaway because you have been so generous giving me some of your beautiful pieces in the past. I had to laugh at "rare giveaway" because I don't know ANYONE that is more giving than you are- with your time and talent and lovely pieces of altered art!
Anyway, I hope you are enjoying some of your time away from everyday blogging. Love to you and good luck to all the entrants! xo Diana
Glad you are feeling a bit better! I have read this, awesome book, but I did add a button to my sidebar, best of luck to all of you!
Hope you're better soon, Cindy!
Thanks for the chance to win one of your ebooks :)
What a wonderful gift. I have my tablet ready to read. lol
Good luck and happy March to everyone.
I so appreciate all the teaching you do for us bloggers, Cindy. Bless you!
Hi Cindy,
Its been to long now inbetween our visits. So here I am your faithful follower and loving everything you inspire.
How are you doing these days, I hope your feeling well, and that Ralph is in good health as well :)
Come see my latest find and my latest build :)
Keep inspiring your beauty!
Cindy, great giveaway! I just wanted to pop in and say Hi! I have already bought your E-book and it's great! Someone is going to be very lucky!!:O) have a great day!
So nice to see a post from you. I was hoping you were over that darn flu bug though!! I already have your wonderful ebook and I'm following you on facebook, so you don't have to enter me in the giveaway. Just wanted to say hello and get well soon!!! We miss you!
Hugs, Cindy
Wow Cindy what a fantastic giveaway!! You are so kind! Good luck to everyone!
What a wonderful give-away!!! I'm off two like and post to my FB.
Have a great day.
Always, Queenie
Liked you (very much) on Face Book
Have a great day,
Always, Queenie
Posted your giveaway on my FB page.
Have a great day,
Always, Queenie
Posted your giveaway on my FB page.
Have a great day,
Always, Queenie
Be well soon and thanks for the opportunity to win.
Hi Cindy,
This is a great and generous giveaway, thanks for hosting this.
Do hope you are feeling better, so you will be able to enjoy the week
Hi Cindy, So hope you are feeling better from the flu my friend. NO fun at all.
What a grand giveaway and so generous of you. Someone is going to be very blessed to receive one of your ebooks.
I got a Kindle Fire for my birthday last week and already order 2 of your books. LOL I am having so much fun and they are great great great!!!
Love to you,
What a sweetheart to offer your book for the winner. Whom ever wins will LOVE it! It's such a great book!
Keeping you in my prayers, dear friend.
Count me in, dear Cindy! Your e~books are wonderful! Hope & pray you are completely healed soon...
I liked your facebook page & left a message too. Take care sweet friend!
I also shared your giveaway on facebook.
Hi Cindy, hope you feel better real soon, it's no fun being sick. Thanks for the chance to win your book. Hugs...Lu
I already bought your book ... but I am popping in to wish you a speedy recovery and sending hugs
Thanks for this great giveaway. I would love a chance to win it.
Hi Cindy, thanks so much for your generous giveaway! I would love to win the ebook.
I hope you feel better soon.
Jen :-)
What a lovely thought Cindy - thank you! Liked your page and shared the link to the post, too! I'd be delighted if you'd like to 'like' my fb page, too - http://www.facebook.com/CreativeSpellDesigns
best wishes xxx
What a wonderful book to offer us a chance to win! Posting my comment, liking your page and sharing it on my own. Thanks for the chance!
Cindy, what a fabulous giveaway. Please count me in. I don't have a Facebook, or I would certainly share this on it. ;-) Thank you for the opportunity.
Dear Cindy, just a note to say thinking of you and hope you are feeling better!
xoxo, Maki
Hey Cindy,
Remember me? lol
I know its been soo long, however just wanted to stop by and say G'day honey!
Hope all is well with you and hopefully it wont take me so long to visit you again.
Creative hugs,
What a great giveaway Cindy, Count me in!
hugs Lynn
Hope you are feeling better now! Nice giveaway! You are so very helpful and inspirational to all of us! Thank you!
I hope you will have a lovely spring as nature's glory unfolds once more, that you will feel restored, renewed!
Joy! Linda
dear Cindy,
Hope you are feeling better. What a nice iveaway...love the idea of your new spirituality book too. take care, gerri
Congrats on all of your best selling books! You are awesome!
Wow Cindy, that would be so fun to have. Please count me in!
Thanks for the chance,
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