Hi Everyone~
I wanted to share some altered art pieces that are in my Etsy shop...
They are ideas for Mother's Day for your mom--or for yourself!
Dreaming in Black and White Necklace
And, as Mothering Instincts Week continues, I have a question for you....What is the best advice your mom ever gave you?
As for me, my mom always reminded me of the saying, "This too shall soon pass." Those words have alot of truth. She'd say it when I was a teenager crying over a break-up or later in life if things got rough...Those words have stayed with me. I think her advice was something I could hold onto throughout my lifetime.
How about you? What is some sound advice your mom gave you?
one of my mom's favorite sayings is "yard by yard, life is hard, inch by inch, it's a cinch." great thing to remember when faced with something that seems too hard to do or a challenge that seems too difficult to overcome.
happy Easter season, Cindy!
peggy aplSEEDS
Hi Cindy,
Beautiful art pieces and necklace! Love them! I don't know how you get so much done! You must never sleep!
The best advice I ever got from my Mom was to marry my husband. I listened to her for once and I've never regretted it! :)
Have a wonderful Tuesday, dear girl!
Love, Sonya
So beautiful, Cindy! Gosh...my Mom continues to tell me so many wise things, I'm not sure I could just come up with one! I'm glad she feels she can continue to guide me--I'm very blessed!
Love your work, sweet friend!
Cindy~ #1..these are beautiful!
As for mommy dearest... I could write a book..
( i would never tell her...but she IS always right!)
Ummm..now lets see....
#1..keep learning... your education is something no one can ever take from you"
#2~ Make sure he loves you more.
#3~ Don't swing your arms when you walk. A lady doesn't do that.
see.. i could go on and on and on...
Dear Cindy, I love your artpieces here,
you alwayes makes wonderful things.
---My mother still helps me if I`m afraid of something by telling me -as she alwayes did- :this will not turn out as bad as you fears now---it helps, as my imagination can take me realy far.
I honestly don't remember any good advice from my Mum. She was always negative and controlling to me.
If I ever dared to voice my opinion, I was mainly told 'You make your bed, you'll have to lie on it'. So I used to always have a good think before I did anything. But it was never to encourage.
I made up for that with my own children.
Big Hugs
J xxxxxx
Lovely work again, Cindy!
Beautiful "art" pieces!! Love your work! I think my Mom's best advice was to always tell the truth, that way whatever or however something is asked, the answer will always be the same.....somethng I passed on to my kids....
Estou adorando ser sua seguidora, seus trabalhos são o máximo! Aquela chave e o mapa com Paris ficarm tão belos!!! Conselhos de minha mãe? Ter compaixão pelo sentimento do outros...
Mom was a survivor of life and that was a great example for me. I tell my kids to "don't sweat the small stuff because something bigger will come along to worry about"...lol...I'm very encouraging that way.
Hello Cindy,
These pieces are fabulous!
~ Gabriela ~
Hi Cindy
More amazing artwork.
I cannot believe this but that is my Mum's favourite saying, how amazing is that. My Mum (and Dad) are in my view the people I turn to for advice or to sound things out as I know no matter what, they will give me advice that is worth taking on board. They both tell me that I need to believe in myself more than I do, but that is a difficult one to work on.
Wishes and will return tomorrow.
You do very nice work. I am sure any mother would be proud to receive either piece of this. I lost my mother very young and have no one I care to give such as this to. Great job.
Pretty , Pretty ! Cindy you always have the prettist things !
My Mother always said " If you can't say something nice , Don't say anything at all !"
She always practiced that , and I try to do the same.
Nice items here. My Mom had a lot of sayings and advice for us. One in paticular stands out, it's about husbands...."Love them and leave them alone." It works!
I don't remember my mother ever giving me good advice but what I tell my kids all the time.....is to trust their gut and that there are more good people than bad in the world.
Dear Cindy as always your art work is fantastic, love the collage it is so lovely, I don't remember any advice from my mum,think she never gave me any advice. Have a nice and creative week.
Hugs Anni
Oh how prettyy!!!
My mom always told me when I was first time cooking " don't be afraid of cooking, we made the food, not the other way around" ^_^
Very pretty items. I hope you have a great Mothers Day, its getting close. Hugs, Kim
Precious items Cindy, you worked miracles again! The best advice my mum gave me was to always follow my heart. Sometimes I went with the mind in deciding something, but I had to admit it afterwards, mum was right (as usual :-) I still live by her "golden rule", hugs, Ira
Gorgeous pieces!!! Rock star!
The advice is the same advice I give my kids EVERY DAY!! It is;
Don't be in such a hurry to grow up! You are only 11 (for example) one time! Enjoy every moment! You will be a grown up soon enough!! So stay the age that you are for as long as you can!!
Hi Cindy! What a nice post and those creations are beautiful.
My mom is still giving advise..whether asked or not...hehe. Ww've worked together in retail floral for 39 years! She's taught me all I know, so the one that bangs around is
'Listen to your Mother'
Hi Cindy,
Love your "pretty things"
Enjoy your day!!!
Suzann ~xoxox~
I love these pieces Cindy, especially the necklace ... all beautiful. Advice ??? hmmmm well mam used to tell me to keep my hand over my penny lol .... i didnt and ended up with my first son hehe. .... I was very young and dont regret it as we are still together now
hugs June xxxxxx
Love your items you have shown here. Advice from my Mom? Hmmmm...I guess it would be that old adage "a stitch in time saves nine"....in other words the sooner you took care of something the better. If you fix a small tear it won't become a big one. BOY! I am wondering what MY kids would say about their best advice from me! lol Hugs- Diana
I would have to say, "You're not leaving the house in that outfit!!"
My mother had no sense of humour. And I stayed home a lot. :-)
I have a lot of catching up to do! LOL What beautiful pieces. My mom gave me a lot of advice - I think all of it was appreciated, although I probably didn't think so at the time. :) That's what moms are for - giving sound advice. Theresa
Beautiful work. I never see anything on your blog I don't like. I can't think of just one piece of advice my Mom gave me. She gave me so many. She was my best friend and I consulted her on everything. Her advice was always the best I could get, even if I didn't always agree with it.
beautiful art today Cindy! my mother also said "this too shall pass." but if i was complaining too much she'd say "into each life a little rain must fall." too cute that mom of mine. xo
(ps we had the snow white book and record too!)
"Any sacrifice you have to make to follow the Lord will be worth it," my mom told me many years ago. How right she was. ;)
Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage
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